Here at Hanbury Primary we believe that Relationships and Health Education is vital for preparing the children for their future lives. Relationships education will equip the children with the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships. By the end of their time here at Hanbury Primary School the children will have knowledge and understanding regarding: families and people who care for me; caring friendships; respectful relationships; online relationships and being safe.
In addition to developing their knowledge and understanding of relationships the children will also be equipped with the skills to lead a positive and healthy lifestyle. Through Health Education the children will be taught about physical and mental well-being. By the end of their primary education they will have been provided with the information they need to make good decisions about their own health and well-being both now and in the future. In particular they will learn about mental wellbeing; internet safety and harm; physical health and fitness; healthy eating; drugs alcohol and tobacco; health and prevention; basic first aid and the changing adolescent body.
The children will learn in a variety of ways such as class discussion, pair and team work, role-play and reflection time. Through developing their confidence and understanding we are helping them to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to manage life’s challenges and make the most of life’s opportunities.