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Curriculum Statement

Communication & Language - Curriculum Statement


Why is Communication and Language important?
In the Early Years Foundation Stage, play forms an important part in developing a child’s communication skills. These language skills learnt in the EYFS filter through and continue to develop as the child moves through school. Play based learning helps to develop communication, vocabulary, socialisation and prepares the brain for thinking.

Communication is the ability to say the right thing, at the right time and in the right way. It involves speech and language skills and also non-verbal communication. Children not only learn through speaking and listening but also through gestures, body language and facial expressions. Especially those who struggle with communicating.

Children cannot retain information if they struggle with communication. This means they find it tricky to follow instructions, understand spoken words, retain letter sounds and will often have an emotional release.


How do staff at Hanbury promote effective Communication and Language?

At Hanbury Primary, our staff work with parents to develop their child’s understanding of language and how to build upon their communication skills. We encourage children to use their language to problem solve with their peers, this is through our play based learning approach and provides children with the necessary vocabulary in order to do so. Our staff highlight the importance of talk and use a range of techniques to develop and encourage children to understand and to express thoughts, feelings, and information. We recognise how important encouraging a child’s language development is in leading to them having a positive impact during their time here.

There are some tips for parents/carers on how you can encourage your children’s language and communication skills prior to starting school and also how to continue to build upon their language development once they are part of Hanbury Primary on the website.

At Hanbury Primary, we pride ourselves with being effective communicators and encouraging children’s development through language. Language and communication are essential in the classroom: essential in children’s learning, essential in teachers’ communication with children, and essential in children’s understanding of themselves and their world.
As staff, we work with children on a daily basis to improve their language and communication skills through a range of activities during their class timetable. These are often play-based, through in the moment interventions and also through group work, which we have found also improves children’s confidence.


We also have a dedicated Communication and Language LSP who delivers daily high quality interventions to continue to build upon children's language skills, vocabulary and their confidence whilst at Hanbury. 
