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Curriculum Statement

At Hanbury Primary, we want to provide the children with the best reading provision possible because reading is a key skill that ensures the children can access all the other areas of the curriculum.


We understand the value and importance of teaching our children to read fluently and to understand what they are reading. The children's ability to read confidently will support their learning and many other aspects of their school life. 


When teaching reading, we focus on the children's ability to read words and to understand what they have read. 


Phonics is the starting point for all children learning to read and more information can be found about how Phonics is taught at Hanbury Primary on the Phonics page of this website. 


At Hanbury, we believe being a confident reader will allow children to acquire a wider knowledge of vocabulary, a better understanding of grammar and gain enjoyment from a range of different text types. 


We are dedicated to providing children with a range of high quality texts to spark their interest in different types of books and to promote a love of reading. All classrooms in school have a dedicated space where the children can go and read, as well as the children being able to visit our library to choose a book. 




