PE Useful Links
A wide collection of free, curriculum-linked resources to educate and entertain children at home. You can find lots of ideas for helping your children get active, as well as fun videos, games and worksheets for Maths, English and Health and Wellbeing.
A selection of PE activities, which can be completed individually or in pairs, 60 second challenges and ways to keep active linking to other curriculum areas.
A range of videos including gymnastics, dance, yoga and movement skills. Cross curricular activities, and ways to keep your body and mind active and as healthy as possible.
A great selection of resources, including outdoor and adventure activities, dance, exercises and ways to learn about nutrition!
Things to do
Staying active and keeping fit does not always require equipment or resources. Try to stay active by going for a walk, jog or run. You can play catch, or create treasure hunts around the house. Try not to stay sitting for extended periods of time, and set goals each day. Also, remember that it is important to eat healthily – make a fruit salad and try to learn about nutrition – and remember to always stay hydrated!