Outdoor Learning Statement
At Hanbury Primary, we are increasingly aware of the benefits of spending time in an outdoor space for focusing the mind and having a positive influence on health and wellbeing. Therefore, we are excited to have created a forested outdoor learning area for all pupils to experience. We strongly believe that outdoor learning will enhance and enrich our children’s learning and school experience.
Outdoor learning will encourage pupils to acquire and refine knowledge and specific skills within a theme. Pupils will gain an awareness and a deeper understanding of their local environment as well as environmental issues in the wider world. Through freely exploring the forest area, pupils will become confident, resilient and determined learners. The use of practical activities and life experiences will enable pupils to bring to life new ideas and concepts. Pupils will develop greater imagination and creativity through regular exploration of the natural world as well as develop cooperation through teamwork.
Outdoor learning sessions currently link to the science curriculum, with each year group taking part in a set amount of sessions throughout the year. Science topics taught include: understanding the world, seasonal change, rocks and soil, plants and living things and their habitats. In future, as we look to progress our outdoor curriculum, sessions will link to foundation subjects.
We look forward to sharing this new experience with you.