Senior Leadership Team
Head Teacher: Miss Lawrence
Deputy Head Teacher: Mr Bolton
Assistant Head Teachers: Mrs R. Wood (EYFS & Phonics), Mrs Barnbrook (KS1 & Writing),
Mrs Slim (LKS2 & Reading) and Mr Hare (UKS2 & Maths)
Assistant Head Teacher for Inclusion & SENCO/DSL: Mrs Orgill
Middle Leadership Team
Wider Curriculum: Mr Patton and Mrs Heslop
Personal Development Lead: Miss Walters
Communication and Language Lead: Mrs White
Nursery Teachers: Mrs R. Wood (AHT)
Nursery Support Staff: Miss Badger
Reception Teachers: Mrs. White (TLR and Communication Lead), Mrs Bishop (DT Lead) and Mrs Lloyd
Reception Support Staff: Miss Powers, Miss Lewis, Miss Mall, Miss Smith
Year One
Year One Teachers: Mr Patton (TLR and Science Lead) and Mrs George (History Lead)
Year One Support Staff: Mrs Payton, Mrs Muhammad, Miss Butler and Miss Hinds (Apprentice)
Year Two
Year Two Teachers: Mrs Barnbrook (AHT), Mrs Dudley (PE Lead)
Year Two Support Staff: Miss Stott (HLTA), Mrs Randell, Mrs E Lloyd, Miss Holt (Mon), Miss Hyacynth
and Miss Patel (Apprentice)
Year Three
Year Three Teachers: Miss Mahmood and Mr. Procter (Geography Lead)
Year Three Support Staff: Mrs Lacey (HLTA), Ms Kaur, Miss Holt (Tues), Ms Pearce and Mr Jabbar (Apprentice)
Year Four
Year Four Teachers: Mrs Slim (AHT) and Miss Soanes (ECT)
Year Four Support Staff: Ms Jones and Miss Rashid
Year Five
Year Five Teachers: Mrs Heslop (TLR and Computing Lead) and Miss Walters (TLR and Personal Development Lead)
Year Five Support Staff: Mrs Baines, Miss Connolly and Mrs Duggall
Year Six
Year Six Teachers: Mr Hare (AHT), Mrs Brookes (Music Lead)/ Mrs Pendleton (Art Lead)
Year Six Support Staff: Mrs Griffiths (HLTA) and Mrs Tarr
Maples- Complex Communication Provision
Mrs Orgill (SENCO)
Maples - Mrs Shah, Miss Wright, Ms Kaur, Miss Hall, Miss Sumaiyah
Communication and Language Provision
Mrs White (Communication Lead)
SEMH and Family Support Team
Mrs Orgill (SENCo and DSL)
Miss Lloyd (SEMH Lead Professional)
Mrs Slater (Family Support Worker)
Mr O' Connor (Sports Coach and Mentor)
Outdoor Learning
Miss Eaton (Outdoor Learning LSP)
Administration Team
Business Manager: Mrs Lambert
School Administrator and Finance Assistant: Ms Wright
School Administrator: Miss Ghattaura
Site Team
Site Manager: Mr Miller
Cleaners: Miss Wilcox, Miss Abraham, Ms. Zatoka, Mrs Kaur